Alright folks, then we’ll take a look at vix vi X. And I want to show you something that you may not be aware of that you know that vix also has seasonality or historical patterns. One thing to note of interest is this area right here. Why this area right here because it is mid March, the middle of March on a 515 and 30 years vertical price perspective. What do you see? We see clear topping, and we see clear movement to the downside, a declining vix means that we would see a boost in equity prices, which we know from a seasonal perspective, this is the ideal or we’re starting the ideal time of the year to have long or risk on exposure in the equity markets. We take a look at this chart, you’ll notice that some of the methodologies that I teach are pretty simple. We’re looking at areas of structure here. Notice that that area of structure even applies on the VIX, Okay, over here, on the upside applies to the upside as well. Now this is area, you’ll notice that for years, this area up here around the 35 to $40 area has basically told you to be risk on IE rotate out of cash or fixed income and get back increase your exposure in the equity market. pullback here, pullback here, pullback here, here, here, here. And here we are today. Will we get a pullback from this area. Right here. Well, nobody truly knows. But it looks like we have pretty good eyes. Now things got really out of hand. The next stop to the upside is going to be right up here at around 75 It would take a lot of negative downside pressure, something really drastic, something really major to occur overseas ie Eastern Europe, for volatility to spike up to this high. If you recall this. This was during right during the height of the COVID pandemic you would see an inverse on the indices the s&p, the s&p Dow NASDAQ Russell all the major indices were Flipside bottoming out while the VIX was up here topping out so this is something to pay attention to. I would certainly add this to your watch list, just to get an idea of what the vix index is doing. don’t necessarily have to trade this you can there are opportunities there but use it as a compass to help you on how aggressive you may or may not want to be. Now I’ve been invited to speak at the upcoming April wealth 365 summit. As of this recording as a 24 days in approximately 16 hours in change. There’s going to be 60 plus speakers during the six day event registration I guarantee you will fill up fast so you want to go ahead and lock in your registration. I’m gonna link you to this page. All you have to do is enter your name email address to claim your free ticket, and I look forward to seeing you there

Technical damage done
A lot of technical damage done today across the board….however these types of moves can set up some absolutely beautiful trade ideas for the rest