Alright folks, today we’re taking a look at Domino’s Pizza dB. See DPC is the ticker. And the question is will we get another nice seasonal Superbowl trade? Well, if you’re not familiar, DPC has had a very nice favorable win rate to the long side over the past several February’s and of course we’re coming into February, we’ve got a lot of nice seasonal data point to higher prices into the mid to latter half of February. You can see it looks like we’re getting some of that price confirmation as we speak. So what we’ve done here we’ve got the weekly on the left, daily on the right see price has retraced from this 565 level, all the way down to 430, which is a beautiful 618 retracement here on the weekly chart coming right here into structure. And we can see on the daily chart, we’re now getting a nice little trend line break. So this mark is up strong today at 3% course a broader market was up as well. So it pushed a lot of stocks up a lot of charts look like this. So we are going to wait another day or two. And be patient to see if it is something that we want to hop on board. Either way, our risk reward is very favorable. We’d be looking to risk somewhere down here below the 415 area first targets back up here to these highs at 550. Knowing that we’re trading in line with positive seasonal data now are you doing a free presentation on Wednesday, February 2 at 2pm. Eastern how to be first in line for huge market moves registration is free. I’m going to link you over to this page. We’re going to talk about how to analyze and trade key market setups with minimal risk and high reward works in all markets all timeframes. Go ahead and register and I’ll see you there

Technical damage done
A lot of technical damage done today across the board….however these types of moves can set up some absolutely beautiful trade ideas for the rest